2023, Found metal, plaster cast of clawfoot table leg, steel, found table leg, wooden bead. Photograph by Anna Zeitlin

2023, Plaster cast of dome light, wood, plastic bead, steel. Photograph by Anna Zeitlin.

2023, Plaster cast of dome light, wood, plastic bead, steel. Photograph by Anna Zeitlin

2023, Wooden table legs, concrete paver. Photograph by Anna Zeitlin.

2023, Plaster cast of toy phone and banana, table leg, found metal stand. Photograph by Anna Zeitlin.

2020, pool noodles, placemat, brass, glue, 28”x17”x14”

2020, pool noodles, placemat, brass, glue, 28”x17”x14”

2020, School desk chair, plaster cast of claw-foot table leg, 30”x16”x15”

2019, Table and chair parts, paint, 48”x18”x19”

2018, Table, saucers, cup, hand-printed impression of table top on table cloth, 39”x36.5”x44”

2018, Table, saucers, cup, hand-printed impression of table top on table cloth, 39”x36.5”x44”

2018, Wooden desk, wooden board, 72”x26”x42.5”

2018, Table legs, dimensions variable

2017, Cedar, wood, and formica tables, school desk chair, plastic cup, 72”x36”x36”

2017, School desk, coffee table, 37”x18”x61”

2017, Saw horses, dining room tables, coffee table legs, 30”x72”x43”

2017, Saw horse, coffee table, end tables, 96”x36”x30

2017, Lawn chair, pool float, 22”23”x72”

2017, Lawn chair, pool float, 22”23”x72”

2017, Plywood, cinderblocks, wax, pool noodles, 48”x56”x24”

2017, Plywood, found wood table, boat rope, plastic cast Nylabone, 56”x72”x48”

2017, Plywood, found wood table, boat rope, plastic cast Nylabone, 56”x72”x48”

2016, Cast plaster, cardboard tube, ink, hand-carved log, 48”x8”x10”. Collection of University of Memphis

2016, Cast Concrete, cardboard, pipe insulation, electric conduit,
ceramic, metal table, 95”x34”x21”

2016, Collaged hand-rubbings, 15.5”x11”

2016, Hand-printed impression of cast concrete on rice paper, 42”x27"

2016, Hand-printed impression of cast concrete on rice paper, 42”x27"

2016, Monoprint, 27.5”x15”

2016, Hand-printed impression of cast concrete on rice paper, 42”x27"

2017, Hand cast ceramic bricks with ink, 8”x72”x3”

2017, Hand cast ceramic bricks with ink, 8”x72”x3”

2023, Found metal, plaster cast of clawfoot table leg, steel, found table leg, wooden bead. Photograph by Anna Zeitlin
2023, Plaster cast of dome light, wood, plastic bead, steel. Photograph by Anna Zeitlin.
2023, Plaster cast of dome light, wood, plastic bead, steel. Photograph by Anna Zeitlin
2023, Wooden table legs, concrete paver. Photograph by Anna Zeitlin.
2023, Plaster cast of toy phone and banana, table leg, found metal stand. Photograph by Anna Zeitlin.
2020, pool noodles, placemat, brass, glue, 28”x17”x14”
2020, pool noodles, placemat, brass, glue, 28”x17”x14”
2020, School desk chair, plaster cast of claw-foot table leg, 30”x16”x15”
2019, Table and chair parts, paint, 48”x18”x19”
2018, Table, saucers, cup, hand-printed impression of table top on table cloth, 39”x36.5”x44”
2018, Table, saucers, cup, hand-printed impression of table top on table cloth, 39”x36.5”x44”
2018, Wooden desk, wooden board, 72”x26”x42.5”
2018, Table legs, dimensions variable
2017, Cedar, wood, and formica tables, school desk chair, plastic cup, 72”x36”x36”
2017, School desk, coffee table, 37”x18”x61”
2017, Saw horses, dining room tables, coffee table legs, 30”x72”x43”
2017, Saw horse, coffee table, end tables, 96”x36”x30
2017, Lawn chair, pool float, 22”23”x72”
2017, Lawn chair, pool float, 22”23”x72”
2017, Plywood, cinderblocks, wax, pool noodles, 48”x56”x24”
2017, Plywood, found wood table, boat rope, plastic cast Nylabone, 56”x72”x48”
2017, Plywood, found wood table, boat rope, plastic cast Nylabone, 56”x72”x48”
2016, Cast plaster, cardboard tube, ink, hand-carved log, 48”x8”x10”. Collection of University of Memphis
2016, Cast Concrete, cardboard, pipe insulation, electric conduit,
ceramic, metal table, 95”x34”x21”
2016, Collaged hand-rubbings, 15.5”x11”
2016, Hand-printed impression of cast concrete on rice paper, 42”x27"
2016, Hand-printed impression of cast concrete on rice paper, 42”x27"
2016, Monoprint, 27.5”x15”
2016, Hand-printed impression of cast concrete on rice paper, 42”x27"
2017, Hand cast ceramic bricks with ink, 8”x72”x3”
2017, Hand cast ceramic bricks with ink, 8”x72”x3”